Trouble saving WEBP images as PNG or JPG in Google Chrome? Here’s a simple way to quickly save WEBP images as PNG or JPG in Google Chrome.
Tag: chrome extensions
How to Enable Night Mode in Chrome and Firefox
Bright rays from your computer screen at night times can hurt your eyes and sleep schedule. Here is how you can enable night mode in Chrome and Firefox to protect your eyes at night times.
How to Disable Automatic Image Loading in Chrome and Firefox
Blocking image auto loading in Firefox and Chrome can help with bandwidth and slow internet issues. Here is how you can disable automatic image loading in Chrome and Firefox.
How to Automatically Redirect Bing Searches to Google in Chrome While Using Cortana
Cortana by default uses Bing to search your quires. Here is how you can easily redirect Bing searches to Google in Chrome browser while using Cortana.
How To Quickly Enable and Disable Chrome Extensions from Omnibar
Its pretty natural that your mouse goes all frenzy to install all the cool chrome extensions in your sight, but as the time goes on it will be a pain in the back to quickly enable and disable them. This is because you just don’t want to use all of them at the same time… Continue reading How To Quickly Enable and Disable Chrome Extensions from Omnibar
Top 3 Reasons Why I Hate Google Chrome
Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers of the world, Major competent to Firefox and occupies nearly 39% of worldwide usage share of web browser(according to Wikipedia). But everything is bad at something, So here are the top 3 reasons why I hate google chrome. Scary Permissions For Extensions Why do some… Continue reading Top 3 Reasons Why I Hate Google Chrome
9 Must Have Chrome Extensions For Every Chrome User
Chrome has tons and tons of extensions. Here are a few such chrome extensions that every user should consider using for better experience.