Trouble saving WEBP images as PNG or JPG in Google Chrome? Here’s a simple way to quickly save WEBP images as PNG or JPG in Google Chrome.
Tag: google chrome
How to Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu
Problems installing Google Chrome in Ubuntu? Here’s a simple and straightforward way to install Google Chrome in Ubuntu without any errors or problems.
All Essential Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts – PDF Download [Free]
Making your life a bit easier with keyboard shortcuts is pretty essential because these keyboard shortcuts not only saves your time but increases your productivity by two-fold. Putting that aside, using a mouse for even little tasks like opening a new tab or closing a tab is pretty awkward. So today stugon is here to share… Continue reading All Essential Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts – PDF Download [Free]
How To Install and Try Chrome OS On Your PC
Google Chrome OS is an open source ultra-simple OS which does nothing but provides users with instant no-nonsense access to the internet to do everything you can with internet like browsing, emails, banking, etc. Google chrome OS is built around Chrome browser with full fledged integrity to internet and without the problems of full fledged… Continue reading How To Install and Try Chrome OS On Your PC